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Pre-Colonial Africa: Society, Polity, Culture
Royal Ceremony, Dahomey, late 18th cent.
Fulani Blacksmith, Sierra Leone, 1834
A Fulani Village, West Africa, 1809
Funeral, Gold Coast, early 1600s
A King and his Judicial Court, Sierra Leone, 1764
Mode of Execution at Dahomey, the Blood Drinker Waiting with His Calabash to Drink the Blood
Prince of Marabou, Senegal, 1805
Female Clothing Styles, Sierra Leone, 1805
African Soldier, Sierra Leone, 1805
Femmale Clothing Styles, Sierra Leone, 1805
Pounding Meal with Mortar and Pestle, Senegal, 1805
The Moors Gathering Gums
Negroes Swarming Trees
A Moorish Soldier; A Moorish Prince; A Moorish Princess; A Woman of Ordinary Rank
Black Marriage at Goree
Soldiers on the March, Senegal, 1850s
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