Captioned, Cabanes et Temple des Phylans [Fulani], shows a woman and small child (foreground), another woman milking a cow (center foreground), with conical thatched roof houses in an apparent forest setting. The engraving is an artists idealized/romanticized rendition of a Fulani village in West Africa. In volume 3, the author discusses the habits and customs of African groups represented in Saint Domingue (Haiti), including the Phylans (pp. 160-171), but he does not specifically describe this illustration.
A Fulani Village, West Africa, 1809
A Fulani Village, West Africa, 1809
Michel Etienne Descourtiz, Voyage d'un naturaliste (Paris, 1809), vol.1, facing title page. (Copy in the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University)
Pre-Colonial Africa: Society, Polity, Culture
Caribbean--St. Domingue
Michel Etienne Descourtiz, Voyage d'un naturaliste (Paris, 1809), vol.1, facing title page.
Handler, Jerome; Tuite, Michael; Randall Ericson; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May