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Pre-Colonial Africa: Society, Polity, Culture
Untitled Image (King of Loango)
Untitled Image (Diving for Gold Nuggets)
Female Soldiers (Amazons), Dahomey, 1891
Emissaries of the King of Dahomey, 1891
Male Dancer, Dahomey, 1891
Street Scene, Whydah (Ouidah), Dahomey, 1890s
House of a Diviner/Witchdoctor, Dahomey, 1891
Enslaved African, Dahomey, 1891
Armed Male Soldier, Dahomey, 1891
Priestesses Dancing, Dahomey, 1891
King Behanzin, Dahomey, 1890s
Male Soldiers, Dahomey, 1890s
African Man with Weapons, Brazil, ca. 1641
Femme, mulatre de la côte d'or
Manière de voyager en Afrique
Adoo Quamina
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