Titled, The North-West Prospect of Cape-Coast Castle. The caption notes that Cape Coast is ye largest, strongest, & most beautifull castle belonging to the Royal Afr[ican] Com[pany]. Details are given on the fort and its location, noting that under shelter of ye guns, is built a large populous Negro town. The people are of a warlike sort with comments about the diet and religion of the local population. Smith made his survey for the Royal African Company. See other images mariners on this website.
Cape-Coast Castle, Gold Coast, 1727
Cape-Coast Castle, Gold Coast, 1727
William Smith, Thirty Different Drafts of Guinea (London, 1727), plate 18.
European Forts & Trading Posts in Africa
Africa--Voltaic--Cape Coast
William Smith, Thirty Different Drafts of Guinea (London, 1727), plate 18.
Handler, Jerome; Tuite, Michael; Randall Ericson; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May