Title, A Prospect From Sea of James Fort at Accra. . . . the Leeward most and remotest that the English have on the Gold Coast . . . here the English have vast quantities of very good salt. The African town, shown on right, was commonly found adjacent to European forts/trading stations in West Africa. Smith made this survey for the Royal African Company. See also other images mariners on this website.
James Fort, Accra, Gold Coast, 1727
James Fort, Accra, Gold Coast, 1727
William Smith, Thirty Different Drafts of Guinea (London, 1727), plate 26.
European Forts & Trading Posts in Africa
William Smith, Thirty Different Drafts of Guinea (London, 1727), plate 26.
Handler, Jerome; Tuite, Michael; Randall Ericson; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May