"House of Noblemen; Knight; Lady" (caption translation). This engraving shows a man and woman smoking pipes in front of a circular compound at São Salvador in the kingdom of Kongo. Girolamo Merolla da Sorrento (d. 1697) was a Capuchin Franciscan priest. He traveled from Naples to Lisbon to Brazil to the Kwanza north region. After being sick for several years, he attempted to evangelize the Kongo kingdom and saw the succession of the Catholic king Álvaro II Nimi a Nkanga, who reigned from 1587 to 1614. He died in Luanda, five years after he published Breve e succinta relatione.
Casa de nobili; cavaliere; dama
Casa de nobili; cavaliere; dama
"No. 14" in Girolamo Merolla, Breve e succinta relatione del viaggio nel regno di Congo nell' Africa Meridionale, 1st ed. (Napoli: Per Francesco Mollo, 1692), between p. 216-217.
Pre-Colonial Africa: Society, Polity, Culture
Africa--West Central North
Jerome Handler; Michael Tuite; John Thornton; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May
18-Jan-11; 28-Aug-19