This engraving shows the Attah of the kingdom of Igala, Ekelaga (c.1824-1839), in the Bight of Biafra hinterland. This king is giving audience to the British expedition. He is surrounded by retainers and other members of court. The queen is seated to the king's right. The king of Attah, or Iddah, had invited Allen and his companions for a visit, for which occasion the queen had prepared a feast. Accordingly, "the king was gaily dressed for the occasion in a profusion of robes, necklaces, etc. . . His legs were encased in a pair of boots made of printed cloth, with tops like brass fenders sticking out at right angles from his shins. . . He sat on a large cushion, at the edge of a verandah of a thatched hut. The queen sat on the ground at his right hand, and behind, in the shade of the verandah, were his wives and female slaves. Some of the courtiers were respectably dressed, while others were in rags. . . The thatch was adorned with some pieces of Manchester cotton" (p. 16). William Allen (1792–1864) was an English naval officer and explorer. He took part in the Niger expedition to map the course of the river.
William Allen, Picturesque views on the river Niger, sketched during Lander's last visit in 1832-33 (London: John Murray, 1840), facing p. 16.
Pre-Colonial Africa: Society, Polity, Culture
Africa--Eastern Bight--Idah
Jerome Handler; Michael Tuite; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May
10-Feb-17; 27-Aug-19