"Day of Kings" (caption translation). This lithograph shows the annual festival held on 6 January with Africans and their descendants dancing and playing a repertoire of musical instruments openly in the streets of Havana. Frédéric Mialhe (1810-c. 1861), also Federico Mialhe, was a French landscape painter and draughtsman. He went to Cuba on by invitation of the Real Sociedad Patriótica. He designed three sets of lithographs from 1838 to 1854. The publisher, Bernardo May, claimed ownership of this image and sold them under his own name. For a discussion on the image see Emilio Cueto, Mialhe's Colonial Cuba (Miami: The Historical Association of Southern Florida, 1994), p. 105. See also image ILN026.
Día de Reyes
Día de Reyes
"Plate XVI" in Album pintoresco de la isla de Cuba (Havana[?]: B. May y Ca., 1851[?]).
Music, Dance & Recreational Activities
Jerome Handler; Michael Tuite; Lesbia O. Varona; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May
27-Jan-11; 27-Aug-19