Caption: Implements Used by Slave-Traders (by permission of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. Material objects employed by slave traders, such as the wooden neck yokes (or Goree), chains, manacles, and leg fetters, whip, and helmet used for gagging slaves, with pieces of iron to force tongue down (h). (For the Goree, see images LCP-12, PRO-4 on this website)
Chains and Other Instruments Used by Slave Traders, 19th cent.
Chains and Other Instruments Used by Slave Traders, 19th cent.
Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch, ed., The Story of the Sea (London, 1895-96), vol. 2, p. 445
Slave Ships & the Atlantic Crossing (Middle Passage)
Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch, ed., The Story of the Sea (London, 1895-96), vol. 2, p. 445
Handler, Jerome; Tuite, Michael; Randall Ericson; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May