Caption, Brandung (Talema [or Galema]) an der Guinea (Surf [Talema] on the Guinea Coast). Although this illustration does not depict slaving activities, it shows the type of surf that canoes confronted as they transported their human cargo to the waiting slave ships. The caption also states this image was taken from the Graphic, presumably the Illustrated Weekly Newspaper published in London. But no specific reference is given (e.g., volume no., year), and the original image could not be located.
Canoes Battling the Surf, West Africa (Senegambia?), late 19th century
Canoes Battling the Surf, West Africa (Senegambia?), late 19th century
Wilhelm Sievers, Afrika; eine allgemeine landeskunde (Leipzig, 1891), p. 116
Slave Ships & the Atlantic Crossing (Middle Passage)
Wilhelm Sievers, Afrika; eine allgemeine landeskunde (Leipzig, 1891), p. 116
Handler, Jerome; Tuite, Michael; Randall Ericson; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May