Thatched houses in a Scotland District village. Two working-class white children are shown leaning against the house on the right. Although many years after slave emancipation in 1834-38, these houses probably closely resemble those inhabited by slaves in earlier periods. Barbados had a relatively large poor white population, many of whom lived in villages on the eastern (Atlantic) side of the island. See J. S. Handler and S. Bergman, Vernacular Houses and Domestic Material Culture on Barbados Sugar Plantations, 1650-1838. Jl of Caribbean History 43 (2009) : 1-36.
Thatched Houses, Barbados, 1898
Thatched Houses, Barbados, 1898
Robert T. Hill, Cuba and Porto Rico (New York, 1898), facing p.394.
Plantation Scenes, Slave Settlements & Houses
Robert T. Hill, Cuba and Porto Rico (New York, 1898), facing p.394.
Handler, Jerome; Tuite, Michael; Randall Ericson; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May