Captioned, Got any pies for sale Aunty? shows a Union soldier inquiring at the door of a slave (?) house; shows double wood house, with wood shingles and chimney; an iron pot in the foreground.
Slave Houses/Cabins, U.S. South, 1862-65
Slave Houses/Cabins, U.S. South, 1862-65
Edwin Forbes, Life Studies of the Great Army. A Historical Work of art, in copper-plate etching . . .illustrating the life of the Union Armies during the years 1862-'3-'4'-5 (New York, E. Forbes, 1876), plate 10 (Copy in Special Collections Department, University of Virginia Library)
Plantation Scenes, Slave Settlements & Houses
North America
Edwin Forbes, Life Studies of the Great Army. A Historical Work of art, in copper-plate etching . . .illustrating the life of the Union Armies during the years 1862-'3-'4'-5 (New York, E. Forbes, 1876), plate 10
Handler, Jerome; Tuite, Michael; Randall Ericson; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May