Two slaves against a backdrop of sugar fields. Woman, on right, is seated under a tree, with basket filled with fruits and vegetables; she wears bead bracelets, armlets, earrings, and a large bead necklace. The man, wearing a loin cloth, holds a spade in one hand and a cutlass or knife in the other, with a bunch of sugar cane under his arm. Letters A-D, very briefly identify the images in this scene. As translated: A, Negro; B, Negress; C, Sugar Cane; D, A pagaal, or basket for carrying produce.
A Man and Woman, Slaves in Surinam, 1718
A Man and Woman, Slaves in Surinam, 1718
J. D. Herlein, Beschryvinge van de volk-plantinge Zuriname (Leeuwarden, 1718), plate 3, following p. 94. (Copy in the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University)
Plantation Scenes, Slave Settlements & Houses
South America--Suriname
J. D. Herlein, Beschryvinge van de volk-plantinge Zuriname (Leeuwarden, 1718), plate 3, following p. 94.
Handler, Jerome; Tuite, Michael; Randall Ericson; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May