Caption, Negers speelende op kalabassen (Negroes playing upon calabashes); shows a man and a woman, latter with a tambourine. Also published in A. Churchill, ed., A collection of voyages (London, 1704), vol. 2, facing p. 146 and other editions of Awnsham and John Churchill (compilers), Collection of Voyages, e.g., London, 1732, with article Mr. John Nieuhoff's remarkable voyages and travels to Brazil.
Musical Instruments, Brazil, 17th cent.
Musical Instruments, Brazil, 17th cent.
Johan Nieuhof, Gedenkweerdige brasiliaense zee en lant-reize door verscheide gewesten van oostindien ... (Amsterdam, 1682). (Copy in the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University)
Music, Dance & Recreational Activities
South America--Brazil
A. Churchill, ed., A collection of voyages (London, 1704), vol. 2, facing p. 146; Awnsham and John Churchill (compilers), Collection of Voyages, e.g., London, 1732, with article "Mr. John Nieuhoff's remarkable voyages and travels to Brazil."
Handler, Jerome; Tuite, Michael; Randall Ericson; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May