Caption: Die Baducca, in S. Paulo, shows men and women dancing; a man playing a large rasp (left) and another a balafon/marimba-type instrument. Onlookers include a female hawker with her goods and small child as well as a European soldier. A somewhat modified version of this image was published in Alcide Dessalines d'Orbigny, Voyage pittoresque dans les deux Amèriques (Paris, 1836), facing p. 211, fig.1.
Batuca Dance, San Paulo, Brazil, 1817-1820
Batuca Dance, San Paulo, Brazil, 1817-1820
Johann Baptist von Spix, Reise in Brasilien in den jahren 1817-1820 (Munchen, 1823-31; reprinted Stuttgart, 1966-67), Atlas (originally published 1831), Plate 27, upper right.
Music, Dance & Recreational Activities
South America--Brazil--São Paulo
Johann Baptist von Spix, Reise in Brasilien in den jahren 1817-1820 (Munchen, 1823-31; reprinted Stuttgart, 1966-67), Atlas (originally published 1831), Plate 27, upper right.
Handler, Jerome; Tuite, Michael; Randall Ericson; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May