This engraving shows eight black men rowing a Tent-Boot, another at the helm, and a woman (?) with an umbrella sitting on the roof of the cabin; such boats were used by planters for riverine transport. See also image NW0264.
Rowing a Tent Boat, Surinam, 1770
Rowing a Tent Boat, Surinam, 1770
Philip Fermin, Nieuwe algemeene beschryving van de colonie van Suriname (Te Harlingen, 1770 [Dutch translation of Description gènèrale, historique, gèographique et physique de la colonie de Surinam (Amsterdam, 1769)],Vol. 2, between pp. 8-9. (Copy in the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University)
Miscellaneous Occupations & Economic Activities
South America--Suriname
Philip Fermin, Nieuwe algemeene beschryving van de colonie van Suriname (Te Harlingen, 1770 [Dutch translation of Description gènèrale, historique, gèographique et physique de la colonie de Surinam (Amsterdam, 1769)],Vol. 2, between pp. 8-9.
Handler, Jerome; Tuite, Michael; Randall Ericson; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May