From the Caribbean island of St. Vincent, the picture shows a small boat with a six-man crew, loading a large hogshead of sugar. Dating from the post-emancipation period, but evoking similar scenes of the later slave period (and well into the twentieth century). Author viewed this scene in early 1847, on a visit to a small village in St. Vincent which had a small wooden pier used for shipping sugar. Day wrote how "the drogher, a schooner generally about forty-five tons. . . conveys the sugar from the estates to the ship in which it is exported, lies at anchor a few hundred yards from the shore. . . The boats called moses-boats, which convey the hogshead from the shore to the drogher, are tremendously strong. . . They are manned by Negroes and Carib Indians, and the very launching of such a heavy boat through such a surf is a sight to be remembered" (pp. 94-95).
Untitled Image (Transporting Sugar Hogsheads by Boat)
Untitled Image (Transporting Sugar Hogsheads by Boat)
Charles William Day, Five year's residence in the West Indies (London, 1852), vol. 1, p. 95.
Miscellaneous Occupations & Economic Activities
Caribbean--St. Vincent
Charles William Day, Five year's residence in the West Indies (London, 1852), vol. 1, p. 95.
Jerome Handler; Michael Tuite; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May