Captioned, The old method of getting tobacco to market, a man with a whip is driving a mule and oxen team that is hauling a huge hogshead. The tobacco leaf is the most troublesome as well as the most remunerative staple which the Virginian planter can raise (p. 634). Original sketch made by J. Wells Chamney who accompanied the author during 1873 and the spring and summer of 1874. Although relating to the post-emancipation period, the scene evokes the later ante-bellum years.
Transporting Tobacco to Market, near Richmond, Virginia, 1873-74
Transporting Tobacco to Market, near Richmond, Virginia, 1873-74
Edward King, The Great South (Hartford, Conn., 1875), p. 634 (Special Collections, University of Virginia Library)
Miscellaneous Occupations & Economic Activities
North America--Virginia
Edward King, The Great South (Hartford, Conn., 1875), p. 634
Handler, Jerome; Tuite, Michael; Randall Ericson; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May