"Cormantin Castle" (caption translation). From the Voltaic region, this view from the sea shows Cormantin castle in the distant background. In the foreground, there are several European ships. For an informed discussion of Dapper as an historical source, see Adam Jones, Decompiling Dapper: A Preliminary Search for Evidence (History in Africa, vol. 17 [1990], pp. 171-290).
Chateau de Cormantin
Chateau de Cormantin
D. O. Dapper, Description de l'Afrique . . . Traduite du Flamand (Amsterdam,1686; 1st ed., 1668), between pp. 284-85. (Copy in the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University)
European Forts & Trading Posts in Africa
D. O. Dapper, Description de l'Afrique . . . Traduite du Flamand (Amsterdam,1686; 1st ed., 1668), between pp. 284-85.
Jerome Handler; Michael Tuite; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May