The text in the image states "cases des negres" or "palisaded village." In the center, a woman with child on her back were cultivating a garden, while in the foreground, a European was trading with Africans. The caption for this scene states "il faut achepter [sic] la permission de faire de l'eau en faisant present d'eau de vie a l'alcaty" or "in order to acquire fresh water one needs permission from the chief and must give him a present of brandy." Note the smoking pipe and weapons on the right. The 1699 Amsterdam edition contains a similar, albeit derivative copy, of this image (facing p. 7).
Untitled Image (West African Domestic Life)
Untitled Image (West African Domestic Life)
Francois Froger, Relation d'un Voyage fait en 1695, 1696, & 1697 aux Cotes d'Afriqu. . . Bresil, Cayenne & Isles Antilles (Paris, 1698), facing p. 7. Copy in Special Collections Department, University of Virginia Library; also The John Carter Brown Library.
Pre-Colonial Africa: Society, Polity, Culture
Francois Froger, Relation d'un Voyage fait en 1695, 1696, & 1697 aux Cotes d'Afrique. . . Bresil, Cayenne & Isles Antilles (Paris, 1698), facing p. 7.
Jerome Handler; Michael Tuite; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May