This image shows woman pounding corn with mortar and pestle in front of a thatched house (coscou). On the right, a European was buying two African men with leg irons (commerce des esclaves). In the background, European ships and a canoe with paddlers standing up (comme les Negres rament de bout). The 1699 Amsterdam edition contains a similar, albeit derivative copy, of this image (facing p. 16).
Untitled Image (West African Life and Slave Trading with Europeans)
Late -1600s
Untitled Image (West African Life and Slave Trading with Europeans)
Francois Froger, Relation d'un Voyage fait en 1695, 1696, & 1697 aux Cotes d'Afrique . . . Bresil, Cayenne & Isles Antilles (Paris, 1698), facing p. 16. Copy in Special Collections Department, University of Virginia Library; also The John Carter Brown Library.
Pre-Colonial Africa: Society, Polity, Culture
Francois Froger, Relation d'un Voyage fait en 1695, 1696, & 1697 aux Cotes d'Afrique. . . Bresil, Cayenne & Isles Antilles (Paris, 1698), facing p.16.
Jerome Handler; Michael Tuite; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May