In the accompanying text, Ellis described how "their smelting furnaces. . . are always fixed near a stream, and the ore. . . is broken small, and the earth. . . removed by frequent washings. The sides of the furnaces, usually sunk two or three feet in the ground, are made of stones, covered outside with clay. . . The blast is supplied by two pairs of pistons working in wooden cylinders. . . From the bottom of each cylinder a tube, formed by a bamboo or an old gun-barrel, is inserted into a hole through the stones round the furnace. After the contents of the furnace have been kept some time at a white heat it is left to cool, and when opened the iron is found in pigs or lumps at the bottom. In this state, as well as when heated again, [it is] beaten into bars or rods" (p. 243). William Ellis (1794–1872) was an English missionary and author, who went to Madagascar on three occasions in the 1850s.
Iron Smelting in Madagascar; Malagasy Forge and Native Smiths
Iron Smelting in Madagascar; Malagasy Forge and Native Smiths
William Ellis, Three visits to Madagascar during the years 1853-1854-1856 (New York, 1859; reprinted, Philadelphia, 1888), p. 294; also published in Harper's New Monthly Magazine (1858-59), vol. 18, p. 597. (Copy in Special Collections Department, University of Virginia Library)
Pre-Colonial Africa: Society, Polity, Culture
William Ellis, Three visits to Madagascar during the years 1853-1854-1856 (New York, 1859; reprinted, Philadelphia, 1888), p. 294; also published in Harper's New Monthly Magazine (1858-59), vol. 18, p. 597.
Jerome Handler; Michael Tuite; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May