This portrait of John Brown is part of frontispiece to the book. The caption is "From a Colodion by J. Dudman." Collodion is a flammable, syrupy solution of pyroxylin in ether and alcohol used to develop photographs early on. John Brown was born in Southampton County, Virginia, in the early nineteenth century. As a child, he was taken to Georgia from where he ultimately escaped. He made his way to Canada and from there he went to England where he died in London in 1876. His life story, told when he was in his late 30s or early 40s, was narrated to the secretary of the British Anti-Slavery Society.
Untitled Image (Portrait of John Brown)
Untitled Image (Portrait of John Brown)
John Brown, Slave life in Georgia (London, 1855), facing title page. Special Collections, University of Virginia Library.
Portraits & Illustrations of Individuals
North America--Georgia
John Brown, Slave life in Georgia (London, 1855), facing title page
Jerome Handler; Michael Tuite; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May