Bourne described this illustration by quoting from a graphic description of auctions for slaves by an unnamed native of Virginia, who said, "Here, half covered with rags, and loaded with chains, human beings are driven together in crowds, and. . . are sold and bought. Within a few days past, I have beheld in Richmond hundreds of men, women, and children, thus exposed in the open streets, and bartered off like brute animals" (p. 111). The illustrations in this anti-slavery book strongly reflect its abolitionist perspective.
Auction at Richmond
Auction at Richmond
George Bourne, Picture of slavery in the United State of America. . . (Boston, 1838), facing. p. 111.
Slave Sales & Auctions: African Coast & the Americas
North America--Virginia--Richmond
George Bourne, Picture of slavery in the United State of America. . . (Boston, 1838), facing. p. 111.
Jerome Handler; Michael Tuite; Henry B. Lovejoy Graduate Research Assistants: Tiffany Beebe; Travis May